New coordinates for leasing activities
10 August 2006 (Invest Romania)
The change of the legal framework applicable to financial
leasing companies, initiated by their acknowledgment as IFNs, continued
with the passing of Law no. 287/2006 amending the GO no. 51/1997 on
leasing operations and activities (“Law no. 287/2006”).
Without insisting on the entire set of amendments brought
on by the legislator, we shall make a brief review of certain unclear
provisions of the new enactment that maintain the controversial character
of the legal rules in this field, failing to clarify at last the legal
regime applicable to leasing activities.
Mention should be made of the inconsistency in transposing
the legal obligation of financial leasing companies to increase their
share capital up to the minimum amount of 200,000 Euro, as provided
by GO no. 28/2006. In this respect, although GO no. 28/2006 deals only
with the financial leasing companies, the general wording of Law no.
287/2006 suggests an extension thereof encompassing the operational
leasing companies, without however bringing any additional clarifications
to this end.
Another practical difficulty upheld by the new form
of GO no. 51/1997 is the determination of the main scope of business
based on which a legal entity may be deemed as an operational leasing
company, albeit that the main consequence of this operation should be
the establishment of the legal regime applicable to the respective company.
In the same context, we note the newly introduced possibility
to conclude subsequent leasing agreements between the user of goods
leased under a leasing agreement (as lessor/financer) and another user
(acting as an end user).
Although this provision may be deemed favorable, as
it extends the situations in which the recourse to financing through
leasing is legally allowed, its legal structure contains certain inconsistencies.
Thus, the legal text does not indicate whether the two requirements
essential in a leasing agreement, i.e. (i) ownership of the good by
the lessor/financer and (ii) observance of the user’s right to choose
between the acquisition of the respective good before or after the expiry
of the leasing period, continue to apply between the initial and the
end user, as long as the owner of the leased good is the initial financer.
The same confusion is preserved by the new legal provisions
according to which the competent court deciding with respect to the
financer’s refuse to observe the user’s right to choose may render a
decision in lieu of a sale and purchase agreement. Likewise, the applicability
of this provision in the relationships between the initial and the end
user has not been clarified.
Other legal provisions subject to interpretation are
those pursuant to which in case a leasing agreement terminates because
of the user’s fault or because of the complete disappearance of the
good less than a year after the coming into force of the leasing agreement,
the leasing agreement preserves its nature and the missing good continues
to be treated fiscally as a good leased under a leasing agreement –
conflicting provisions which regulate simultaneously the survival and
termination of the leasing agreement.
Another example of unclear legal concerns the user’s
obligation not to change the place declared in the agreement unless
previous approval is granted by the financer. In the absence of additional
clarifications, it is difficult to determine whether the place referred
by the above mentioned legal text is the place where the parties should
perform their contractual obligations, the place where the leased good
is delivered to the user, or the user’s main office/secondary headquarters.
Considering the recurrence of such inconsistencies,
the clarification of the legal regime applicable to leasing companies
will require a further review of the provisions of GO no. 51/1997, or
at least the streamlining of the legal provisions subject to interpretation
through the passing of secondary enactments.