SCHOOL’S IN SESSION – ABC lessons for Romanian companies
WhichLawyer | November 1, 2019
With the beginning of a new school year for children, we also invite companies to be students and join us in learning the ABC. Although not as entertaining as learning the letters (ABCD…YZ), but just as important, this class will teach the Anti-bribery and Corruption (ABC) measures. Welcome!
Alexandru Ambrozie, Partner and Ana Stoenescu, Associate - Popovici Nițu Stoica & Asociații
Although sometimes it is better for the
good news to come first, starting with
the not-so-good news will ensure that
this class will end on a positive note.
On the downside, acts of bribery and
corruption are thoroughly sanctioned
in Romania with fines or imprisonment.
Directors, shareholders and/or
employees may be accused of these
offences either for being the author or
an accomplice; also, the company may
be investigated as well if it is proven
that the individuals acted in the name of the
company or even just in its interest.
In spite of these offences and hard sanctions,
the Romanian ABC legal framework does
not impose any legal compliance obligations
or preventive measures for companies.
Unlike countries such as France, UK or USA
that have regulated the ABC measures,
the companies registered or which are
conducting their business in Romania have
no such obligations.
It might seem that we should be thankful for
less compliance obligations, but it is not the
case. The importance of any ABC measures
implemented in a company incorporated
in Romania arises in case of a criminal
investigation. Prosecutors pay great attention
to compliance measures when determining if
a company acted with intent or negligence
(in which case the conditions for certain
offences may not be fulfilled) or when
determining who committed an offence (e.g.
just an employee, a third party, a supplier, or
if the company was involved as co-author or
Consequently, should a company be able
to prove that prevention of bribery and
corruption acts is a priority and it has instated
policies, procedures and controls in this
regard, the risks of criminal convictions for
bribery or corruption are significantly lower.
Luckily, companies may be inspired by
the US and UK practice, by the recent
French regulations or by the OECD
recommendations when establishing
preventive bribery and corruption measures.
We will draw your attention to a number
of 5 key ABC measures to be taken into
1. Conducting ABC risk assessments
(risk-mapping) – the first
step to implementing any ABC measures is
to conduct a risk-assessment. Identifying risk
factors, calculating residual risks based on
information and data from various sources
in the company will ensure a compliance
program that is tailored made. Keep in mind
that effective ABC programs are adapted
based on risk-assessments that are performed
periodically, reflecting current risks.
2. Developing an ABC program – a proper compliance program entails
policies, procedures, ethics and measures
aimed at reducing the risks identified as
a result of the risk-mapping. The program
should be well implemented, reviewed
and revised, as prosecutors analyze and
dismiss any ‘paper programs’. Nonetheless,
the company’s senior management should
support and commit to implementing the
internal controls, policies and any measures
for preventing and detecting bribery and
3. ABC trainings for employees – ensuring that employees receive trainings
(as part of the induction process, but also
periodically) are a key compliance measure.
The company should be able to prove that
the trainings were not a mere formality, but
instead they were (i) tailored according
to different jobs and responsibilities; (ii)
preferably face-to-face, not just made
available through an e-mail; (iii) based on
real examples, not only ideas or hypothetical
scenarios; and most of all (iv) provided on
a regular basis and whenever there is a
significant change in the company’s ABC
program. Also, participation to these trainings
should be registered and, hopefully,
if the trainings were effective, these
registers will not be requested by the
prosecutor, but keep them just in case.
4. Applying the ABC
program to partners –
implementing the ABC principles in
business relationships is a must to any
ABC program. This may be done by
informing third-parties of the company’s
principles and/or conducting third-party
trainings. Special attention should also
be paid to the contracts, which should
include an ABC clause and regular audit
requirements. Counterparty due diligence
can involve a lot of work and sometimes
companies prefer to engage third-party
providers to conduct the checks. Taking these
measures may ensure that a company will
not ‘go down’ together with partners who
may have stepped out of line.
5. Internal and external controls,
together with whistleblowing
channel – it is best for the control system
to be structured on multiple levels and for
it to include a compliance officer. The
middle and senior management should be
involved and receive reports from time to
time from the control departments. If needed,
external control may also be engaged.
A whistleblowing channel should allow
employees to report behaviors that violate
the ABC program or are questionable from
an ABC perspective. Companies may
choose how this channel is implemented,
from hotlines, to engaging a third party
or using the internet. Keep in mind that an
effective whistleblowing channel allows
employees to report anonymously. To
complete the process, each report should be
followed by an internal investigation which
may lead to disciplinary sanctions and/or
criminal complaints.
This list may keep on going, but as ABC
compliance is still an unexplored territory for
most Romanian companies, we’ve provided
a ‘must’ package of ABC measures.
Although they are not yet mandatory, they
may show their value when we expect it the
less and, as we’ve all learned at some point,
it is better be safe than sorry.