Articles - Year 2005
More flexible labor relationships
- 22 December 2005 (Invest Romania)
Considered one of the most significant legislative modifications of
the year, the amendment of Law no. 53/2003 („Labor Code”) by Government
Emergency Ordinance 65/2005 recently, envisaged fostering the economic
activity by emerging labor relations from the grey zone as well as the
elimination of corruption and bureaucracy.
Foreign insurance company branches
in Romania – bridging the gap between theory and practice - 23 November
2005 (Invest Romania)
Besides the general positive issues, involved by the harmonization of
the national legislation with the community laws and regulations, the
effective implementation of this process has generated a range of confusions
and/or lack of certitude related to the practical application of certain
provisions of the recently adopted normative acts.
Producers’ liability for the damage
caused by defective products - 26 October 2005 (Invest Romania)
We resume with a few considerations in the consumer field on the producers’
liability for the damage caused by the defective products, as this is
regulated under the provisions of Law no. 240/2004, published in the
Official Gazette no. 552 of June 22nd, 2004 and effective starting one
month later (“Law no. 240/2004”).
Increase of the shareholding threshold
in the SIFs’ share capital to 1% - 25 October 2005 (Insight)
SIFs still have a very much dispersed shareholding, that being mainly
due to shareholding threshold initially set at 0.1% of the share capital
and established at maximum 1% of the share capital, by the Government
Ordinance no. 41/2005 (the “GO 41/2005”, published in the Official Gazette
of Romania no. 677 of July 28th 2005) that amends the Capital Markets
Law, by providing the increase of the above mentioned threshold.
Micro-financing companies - 20
September 2005 (Invest Romania)
The regime of micro-lending and specialised companies in performing
such activities was expressly regulated by Law no. 240/2005 on the micro-financing
companies, published in the Official Gazette no. 663/July 26, 2005 (”Law
no. 240/2005”).
2005 (Insight)
Initiated at the beginning of 2005, the fiscal reform continued with
the enactment and entry into force starting with 4th of July 2005 of
Law No. 163/2005 on the approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance
no. 138/2004 on the amendment and completion of Law no. 571/2003 regarding
the Fiscal Code.
Collective dismissal procedure
- 7 July 2005 (Invest Romania)
Following the recent approval by the Romanian Government of the Emergency
Ordinance no. 65/2005 (“EGO no. 65/2005” - published in the Official
Gazette no. 576 as of July 5th, 2005), a number of amendments have been
brought to the Labor Code, including, inter alia, to the collective
dismissals framework.
- 22 June 2005 (Invest Romania)
Additional adjustments of the fiscal rules have been brought by the
means of the Law No. 163/2005 concerning the approval of the GEO No.
138/2004 concerning the amendment and completion of the Law No. 571/2003
regarding the Fiscal Code. Published in the Official Gazette no. 466/01.06.2005,
the enactment came into force three days later (i.e. June 4th, 2005),
save for certain provisions specifically deferred for a longer period.
Relaxation of the Foreign Currency
Regime - 24 May 2005 (Insight)
Additional adjustments of the fiscal rules have been brought by the
means of the Law No. 163/2005 concerning the approval of the GEO No.
138/2004 concerning the amendment and completion of the Law No. 571/2003
regarding the Fiscal Code. Published in the Official Gazette no. 466/01.06.2005,
the enactment came into force three days later (i.e. June 4th, 2005),
save for certain provisions specifically deferred for a longer period.
New Foreign Currency Regulation
- 18 May 2005 (Invest Romania)
In accordance with the calendar for liberalization of capital transactions
agreed with the European Union, the National Bank of Romania („NBR”)
issued the Regulation no. 4/2005 on foreign currency regime (the “Regulation”).
New fiscal amendments - 11 April
2005 (Invest Romania)
Previously announced, new amendments to the Fiscal Code have been brought
at the end of March, through GEO no. 24/2005, published in the Official
Gazette no. 263/2005. Although the enactment entered into force on April
1st, 2005, the majority of its provisions are set to become effective
at later dates, e.g. May 1st or June 1st, 2005.
Transfer of undertaking - 11 March
2005 (Invest Romania)
Previously announced, new amendments to the Fiscal Code have been brought
at the end of March, through GEO no. 24/2005, published in the Official
Gazette no. 263/2005. Although the enactment entered into force on April
1st, 2005, the majority of its provisions are set to become effective
at later dates, e.g. May 1st or June 1st, 2005.
Unique tax rate– the key element
of the new fiscal reform - 15 February 2006 (Insight)
The highly debated fiscal reform proposed by the new Government has
been recently implemented, triggering a significant reorganisation of
the Romanian fiscal system, and came into force as from January 1st,
January 2005 (Invest Romania)
From the fiscal perspective, the new year 2005 has commenced under the
aegis of amended rules, as a result of the changes brought to the Fiscal
Code by the means of the Emergency Government Ordinance no. 138/29 December