Articles - Year 2006
Amendments to the public procurement
regime - 11 August 2006 (Insight)
The legal framework applicable to public procurement has been subject
to a process of alignment to the aquis communautaire, following
the steps described in the Strategy for the reform of the public procurement
New coordinates for leasing activities
- 10 August 2006 (Invest Romania)
The change of the legal framework applicable to financial leasing companies,
initiated by their acknowledgment as IFNs, continued with the passing
of Law no. 287/2006 amending the GO no. 51/1997 on leasing operations
and activities (“Law no. 287/2006”).
Anticompetitive practices - 16
May 2006 (Insight)
The competition legal framework underwent an intense harmonization process
over the past three years.
Non-bank financial institutions
- 7 April 2006 (Invest Romania)
Aimed at controlling the consumers’ overindebtedness, having also as
background the maturity and need to establish an appropriate regulatory
framework for the financial market, the Government has passed the Ordinance
no. 28/2006 concerning financial measures (GO no 28/2006).
Municipal loans – advantages and
limits - 16 March 2006 (Invest Romania)
Part of municipal management, financing development programs and projects
represents, in terms of complexity, a difficult task for the local administration.
More flexible labor relationships
- 22 February 2006 (Insight)
The recent amendment of the Labor Code by Government Emergency Ordinance
65/2005, approved at the end of last year by law, aimed at fostering
the business environment by emerging labor relationships from the grey
Towards a more flexible insurance
market - 6 February 2006 (Insight)
From a regulatory point of view, the end of the previous year was marked
by significant amendments brought to Law no. 32/2000 on insurance companies
and insurance supervision („Law no. 32/2000”) by Government Emergency
Ordinance no. 201/2005 („OUG nr. 201/2005”).